Iraqi security forces soldiers pause for a photo during react to enemy contact training at Camp Taji, Iraq, Feb. 25, 2017. Image from public domain licenseIraqi soldiers from 20th Brigade, 5th Iraqi Army Division participate in a mortar demonstration for Iraqi officials on a… Image from public domain licenseFire fighters from the 447th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron extinguish a fire in a training room during live-burn… Image from public domain licenseAn Iraqi security forces member faces away and protects his ears from the blast of a 120mm mortar during training at the… Image from public domain licenseIraqi soldiers assigned to 71st Iraqi Army Brigade move closer to an objective, seeking a new location for cover during a… Image from public domain licenseAn M-198 155mm Howitzer of the US Marines firing at Fallujah, Iraq, during the Second Battle of Fallujah. Image from public domain licenseA Peshmerga soldier takes lead during urban combat maneuvering training Oct. 29, 2015, near Erbil, Iraq. Training at the… Image from public domain licenseSgt. Maurice Rue-Whitfield, 1st Calvary Division, 215th Brigade Support Battalion, ground guides a Cayman during a training… Image from public domain licenseIraqi army Lt. Col. Dhafer Hapeb Abud, the commander of Commandos Battalion, 10th Iraqi Army Division, briefs his soldiers… Image from public domain licenseA coalition partner and security force member pulls security while participating in a simulated base defense near Erbil… Image from public domain licenseA U.S. Soldier with 1st Squadron, 150th Cavalry Regiment, 30th Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division wears a mask… Image from public domain licenseU.S. Army Sgt. David Diehl, from Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment, provides security outside a school in… Image from public domain licenseAn Iraqi army soldier picks up a round for an M198 155 mm howitzer as part of training from French forces at the Besmaya… Image from public domain licenseU.S. Air Force Capt. Bryan Tuinman, an Mi-171 helicopter pilot with the 721st Air Expeditionary Advisory Squadron, walks… Image from public domain licenseU.S. Soldiers with Battery C, 4th Battalion, 1st Field Artillery Regiment, 1st Armored Division, Task Force Al Taqaddum… Image from public domain licenseA U.S. Soldier provides security in the village of Al Kuthra, Iraq, on the outskirts of Basra, Iraq, April 26, 2010. Image from public domain licenseU.S. Army Sgt. Joshua Padilla, assigned to the 3rd Cavalry Regiment, writes vital information on a simulated casualty during… Image from public domain licenseAn Iraqi soldier assigned to 1st Company, 1st Battalion, 28th Mechanized Brigade, 7th Iraqi Army Division provides security… Image from public domain licenseAustralian trainer Sgt. Dave Devlin, (Left), assigned to the 4th Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery, waits for an Iraqi… Image from public domain licenseU.S. Soldiers assigned to Charlie Battery, 1st Battalion, 320th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st… Image from public domain licenseThe 5th and final explosion detonates during a live fire exercise on Guzlani Warrior Training Center, Iraqi Army Soldiers… Image from public domain licenseMajor General Donald H. Connolly, the Commander of the United States Army Forces in Iran and Iraq, taking a group of Iranian… Image from public domain licenseMajor General Donald H. Connolly, the Commander of the United States Army Forces in Iran and Iraq, taking a group of Iranian… Image from public domain license